January 11, 2025
Happy New Year! So, a couple of changes will be coming in the next few months. I wish I can say it'll all be sooner, but school starts up again on the 21st, so I won't have as much time to myself again. Having said that, my next bit of planning will be on revamping this page and my home page. In between, I'll be working on my shrines or not even updating at all in favor of taking notes and studying HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I also want to start experimenting with accessibility on my website now. I recently came across a page talking about how they made it accessible as inaccessible websites tend to be ableist and classist because it makes it harder for people without computers to access their content. While I don't think anyone is a terrible person for making their website without accessibility in mind, I understand the idea. Many of the people I'd like to show my website to don't have computers, and are only able to access it through mobile phones or tablets. While it may take a while of experimenting, I want to be able to rearrange my home page to make it more viewable on other devices/browsers. Right now I'm working on Edge, but I may switch to FireFox soon as I've heard much better information about them, plus it would mean supporting an open source app v. supporting freaking MICROSOFT. I will be also testing my content on different browsers, as well as on my phone and having others help when it comes to tablets. Lastly, the main change I want to make to my blog will be introducing two new sections, a study book and a portfolio. The study book will be more of my "professional" blog where I talk about specific topics. I just need the ability to regurgitate the information in a fun and easy to learn way that way I can know I mastered the topics. The first blog post is going to be simple, just a guide on how to be creative when you can do literally anything in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I'll also be adding a portfolio section for all of my recent projects, which will all be found on GitHub. This section will be my "diary" section, just a place I can talk about whatever. Anyways, I think that's all for now.
December 29, 2024
Ahhh its finally here!!! When I first started this website, I knew I wanted to add a music player. When I drew out the initial format before individualizing the website (to start the website I originally used a website layout generator), the music player was the first "widget" I added outside of the main content. When I started looking into it though, I figured out I had to use JS(duh its interactable) and promptly gave up for the time being. I thought about adding code that someone else already used for a music player, but I didn't want to add in code I didn't know and confuse myself more than I already was learning HTML and CSS. I told myself that when I was ready to start learning JavaScript, my music player would be the first thing I added. And here I am now! When I made the music player, I created it on the w3 schools tryityourself code editor(XD). Eventually, when I got my code close enough to what I thought would be more of the final result, I uploaded it to one of the blank pages on my neocities site that no one (should) has access to. After I got the music player working, I could finally throw it up on my main page with some formatting. I won't lie, this project was really stressful when I ran into issues, but, like always, I enjoyed learning the code and exercising my CSS skills. I'll probably make small changes to it in the future as the site grows, like changing or adding songs, colors, musicscreens, etc, but I'm just so happy that the final result is up and running smoothly!
December 25, 2024
The past few days (that I haven't been working) I've been working on a little project to add to my main page. I think I have most of the details now, but I still have to do most of the debugging to make sure everything runs smoothly and reformat everything to sit right on my page. I'm so excited to show you guys though! It'll have been my first time really dipping into JavaScript, and I've definitely learned a lot. I'm not going to lie, this website started getting overwhelming when I expanded it and linked it to github. I've had to learn a lot and being forced to take long breaks because of college really sets me back, and I feel like all of my projects are overwhelming. But it was really refreshing working on this project. Sorry for the secrecy, I just want to make sure it works right first!!
December 18, 2024
Wow, its been a while. I survived the end of the semster somehow, but I still feel stuck in the aftermath. I feel like I really ushed myself to my limits, and even though I passed all my classes, I'm not happy with my grades. I want to try harder next semester but I don't know how I can physically do that. Either way, next semester will hopefully be my last semester and after that I'll officially have my Computer Science Associate's Degree. I do think it'd be cool to try and go after a Bachelor's, but that will have to wait for now. Plus, it takes SO MUCH of my free time, to where I have no time to learn outside of college, which isn't always useful in the field. Anyways, I'm on break right now so I'll be able to update more often. Probably not everyday, but as often as I can. Today I'll be trying to fix my main page up so I can finally start focusing on adding more pages soon.
November 1, 2024
Sorry for no updates! Life has been really hard for me for reasons I'd like to keep to myself. Overall it seems like the pressure of work and school on top of chores and keeping myself alive has finally begun to make me crack. I'm trying to stay strong though, just know I'm trying my best annd I haven't forgotten about this just yet. If anything, taking a step away for over a week has helped me come at the problem again from a different angle. I can't promise right now I'll be regularly active, especially as the holidays and end of the sememster creep closer, but I will update as often as I can!! On the bright side, I've learned a lot about how Github runs and got plenty of practice with git commands/learning Github vocabulary. I think after I finish making the navbar looking pretty and maybe after I get the empty spots in it filled in, I'll start tackling javascript.
October 21, 2024
Hi again, figured I'd give a quick update for today. As I'm balancing this website on top of work and school I've been cramming all my updates the past couple of days. For anyone wondering, I've "postponed" the GitHub release of ToothSpikes until later tonight. I refuse to delay it but I work until 6pm and I want to add a few more tweaks before I release it. Those that will be watching for those updates, I would suggest either coming back late tonight or sometime tomorrow! It won't be a huge update, but it will be the biggest update since ToothSpikes went live. Please remember to be patient with me as I work on my passion project!
October 18, 2024
Hi everyone!! The next couple of days I will be prepping for the website to be put up on Github with (hopefully) a couple of suprise updates. Please be patient with me as I work on this through the semester!!
October 14, 2024
Long time no talk. I've been having to prioritize work and school lately so I haven't been as active on here as I want to be unfortunately. Having said that, I still am prioritizing this site, it just falls further down on my to do list at the moment. Recently I've been trying to be more creative with my backgrounds for the boxes on the site; I've been using ms paint to draw out the backgrounds. Some may not come out the best but I'll eventually replace them later. The one month of Toothspikes being up is coming up soon and I wanna do something special, at least to me.. I'll be uploading the website to Git and Github and begin treating the website more "official." The next coming weeks will not only be just adding to the website, but slowly going through the code and making it more efficient. If progress slows just know I'm working as hard as I can to make the page run smoother and formatted better.
October 7, 2024
Earlier today I was working on some C++ for homework and I noticed its a lot easier for me to look up questions I have. Who knew articulating your words better would actually help you find the answers your looking for? I definitely feel like this site has helped me become a better learner for programming already! I finally figured out how to fix my problem for the checkbox! Turns out all I had to do was disable the class in input in the html section. I've been trying to work on getting an animation set up for my stamps to rotate through horizontally(I got the idea from a couple of websites I've seen with them!!) but I'm leaving the site tonight with it being a little buggy. Nothing too serious, just the animation being a little weird. I'll work on it tomorrow though! I'm just happy I got it running today, it wouldn't run for the longest time until I figured out I needed the vender prefix for microsoft edge! I'll add the prefixes later to make the site more compatible when I start pushing out official updates.
October 6, 2024
I've been trying to figure out how to make a checkbox only interactable through the code today. Apparently pointer-events doesn't work so back to the cutting board... Also can't figure out how to center the check in the box/make the box and check the same size so they fit nicer. I'll probably just leave it alone for now. It'll eventually show if I'm currently working on the code so I don't have to post in my updates all the time but I'm starting to wonder if the checkmark is necessary... Now I feel like I wasted my time a little bit, but I'll think of something to use it for, even if it's just for show. Oh, also I had a really long trip today, I had to drive the full 8 hours by myself since my fiance and I were going home with two separate vehicles. At least I don't have to wake up at 4 with him anymore XD
October 5, 2024
I don't really have time to spend on code so today I'll probably just be adding onto the stuff I already have, blinkies and that kinda thing. Monday I should be able to start regularly updating again hopefully! I'll be getting home from my trip tomorrow night! In case anyone was wondering, the baby shower was amazing! I loved being able to see my best friend and I got to feel the baby kick! <3
October 2, 2024
Sorry for not being active! I've been working on getting ready for my trip so I won't be active! Also, I'll be putting a hold on the music player on the page as I haven't found a way to do it without JavaScript (yet ?). Either way, I'll be focusing on other things on the page. I'm heavily considering adding the suggestion box sooner than later so I can build off on others ideas!
September 29, 2024
No updates today. I had an early work day today but I wanted to dye my hair and my roommate asked me to do hers too. I'll get some work done tomorrow hopefully. Also, I'm going to my hometown to go to my childhood best friend's baby shower later this week!! I probably won't be active for the 4-6th of October, possibly longer. I will try to still be as active as possible as I'd like to start learning Git through this website, but I want it to get to a certain point before I make it "official" in my own little way.
September 28, 2024
It's been offically a week since I started ToothSpikes! I feel like I've accomplished so much in this past week... A lot more than I thought I would do for sure! There have definitely been some challenges but I feel confident in my ability to have fixed them all so far. I have so many ideas in my head for ToothSpikes... Here's to hoping I follow through lol